Here it is! Last week I mentioned I changed most of the colors on this Micro 03 by Chatelaine...8 of 11 to be exact. Frankly, the lime green silk and olive shades were not to my taste. I loved the Dinky Dyes Blue Bush however, so I changed many threads to a more blue green, keeping the same values of light to dark, in order to compliment the Blue Bush silk. I did use a couple of more yellow green, less jarring threads, and I think it gives a nice variety of piney shades, from longleaf to blue spruce. I love playing with colors! The PTB and Delicas stayed the same, and again I used the center over one motif (about 1.5 inches across) from the first colorway, and everything else from the second colorway. In all it's about 4 inches square!

I think I'd better return to Holland Landscapes and try to get the last window filled with it's landscape scene before returning to the Chinese Garden.....really in a Chatelaine state of mind lately!
At least I have an excuse for spending most of my time stitching these days....I tore a tendon in my right knee, and just today got an MRI on it. Have to wait until next Tuesday to see the orthopaedist again and find out if I need corrective surgery. We are in a late spring heat wave, so I don't have any trouble staying inside with my leg up and stitching away the hours!