After my last post, the month of November went downhill. We lost our cat Pixel to something called Sudden Cardiac Death on November 7th, one month ago today. I spent the month mourning, supporting my daughter in her feelings of loss, and stitching. DH had his own way of dealing by getting really busy at work, with DD's swim team, and with other volunteer events. We all miss him, but life's activities go on. Peace Pixel. See you at the Rainbow Bridge. Give Ari a nudge from us.
Here is what I finished stitching in November. Therapy stitching. First is an old UFO that I pulled out for my monthly weekend stitching. Before I knew it, the thing was finished, after 6 years of UFO status. This is Liz Turner Diehl's 17th Century Italian Garden, a Charleston CATS class, in 2003 IIRC. The fabric is raw linen, 32ct. I made one change from the class, leaving off the stubborn twisted braid that was supposed to go in the rectangles instead of the pink/lavender flower beds that I added.

Ironically, this picture (below) was taken a couple of months after I had started DD is 15 now, and that is Pixel in his usual place, helping with moral support.

Next is a Christmas ornament from the 2003 JCS ornie issue by Seredipity Designs called A Christmas Partridge. It is stitched on 32ct Driftwood Belfast, sans the bf on the pear....I think it looks fine without!

Last finish of the month was from Little House Needleworks, the Pumpkins, from the Fruit series. Eventually there will be a total of 9 in a wall quilt/banner. Three to go. The fabric is Lakeside Linens 28ct Strawflower.

That's all for now....I'll post my monthly progress report and my December biscornu later this week.