Sunday, May 23, 2021

 Well, I finally have a finish after all these years! Yep, the Wild Orange Cat from Mill Hill is done! Just need to frame it in their frame and move on to the next UFO/WiP! 

I have been getting back into the Facebook stitchy groups too and put some albums on the TW & Just Nan groups there. In particular, I posted a picture of my gold dragon conversion of Teresa Wentzler's Castle that I stitched way back in 2007! Thankfully someone (Michelle!) saved all the conversions and was able to send me mine, which I had lost to an old laptop failure. (see below)

Castle Gold Dragon Conversion

 I used mostly what I had on hand or easily found. I only changed the dragon colors, nothing else. The chart symbol or description is on the left, the thread I used on the right. 

4......Rainbow Gallery Sparkle Braid SK01 (1 strand)
3......Rainbow Gallery Sparkle Braid SK02 (1 strand) will need 2 cards 2......Rainbow Gallery Sparkle Braid SK03 (1 strand) will need 2 cards 
1......DMC Precious Metals Effects E168 (2 strands) 
V.....DMC Metallic White 5272 (2 strands) 
6......Kreinik #4 Braid 102 (1 strand) 
7......Kreinik #4 Braid 002V (1 strand) 
8......Kreinik #4 Braid 150V (1 strand) 
9......Kreinik #4 Braid 152V (1 strand) 
s......DMC Metallic 5279 (2 strands) 
r......DMC Antique Effects E898 (2 strands) 
e......DMC Metallic 5279 (2 strands) the edges of large wing (cursive e symbol)
z......DMC Metallic White 5272 (2 strands) 
%......DMC Pearlescent Effects E746 (2 strands) 
w......DMC Pearlescent Effects E746 (2 strands)
dot in circle......DMC Metallic White 5272 (2 strands) 
triangle point up......DMC Pearlescent Effects E746 (2 strands) for eye use Kreinik #4 Braid 152V 
#......DMC Pearlescent Effects E746 (1 strand) with Kreinik BF095 (2 strands)
backstitching on dragon only.....regular DMC 3371 (1 strand) 

eye......Kreinik #4 Braid 152V (1 strand) 
eye backstitch......DMC Metallic White 5272 (1 strand) 
nostril......Kreinik #4 Braid 150V (1 strand) for these symbols I did not change the floss only added metallics 

\ ......DMC 676 plus Glissen Gloss BF 406 (2 strands each) 
- ......DMC 677 plus Kreinik #4 191 (2 plus 1 strands)
x ......DMC 729 plus Glissen Gloss BF 407 (2 strands each) 
upside down U.....DMC 3045 plus Rainbow Gallery Nordic Gold ND2 (2 plus 1 strand) If you are stitching on a smaller count fabric, you may want to only use one strand of the floss with the metallic.


  1. Had no real desire to stitch this until i saw your conversion. Stunning! Great Work!

  2. Your orange cat looks great, but oh, that dragon! Your converstion looks amazing and the frame is perfect for it. I think I have this pattern in one of her books, I hope to stitch it one of these years.

  3. Oh sparkly dragon..I have done this as per pattern but oh love the sparkle's

  4. OOh! Comments! Thanks folks! My gold dragon is one of my favorite finishes ever!
